Welcome to the Vernon Teachers' Association!
Guided by the principles of compassion, connections, communication, and a commitment to better working conditions, your union aims to be a beacon of support and growth for our members in Vernon, Lavington, Coldstream, Lumby, and Cherryville (within School District #22). We envision a union where every member is highly valued, their voices heard, and their needs addressed, fostering an inclusive environment. Through clear and effective communication, we aim to build strong connections among our members, creating a sense of belonging and unity. We strive to help create the conditions where our members experience personal and professional success while improving their working conditions. We aim for an environment where creativity thrives, members receive unwavering support, and experience both peace of mind and achievement, leading to increased prosperity for all. Together, guided by these principles, we strive to create a union that not only supports but also inspires positive change, contributing to the advancement and betterment of our members’ working conditions.
Our Latest News
Keep up to date reading our latest news

2025-26 School Calendar
Below a copy of the Ministry approved calendar which is in compliance with the School Act and School Calendar Regulation. The only change (in colour

Local Bargaining Pre-Ratification SCHOOL VISIT SCHEDULE
SCHOOL VISIT SCHEDULE We understand that not all VTA members at your site may be able to attend during your scheduled time. To accommodate everyone,

May 12 Conference Workshop Proposal Application
Our theme, “Learning on the Land” honours the First Peoples’ Principle of Learning: “Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on
Extended Health Benefit Challenges
Dear Members, We have recently learned of multiple challenges related to our extended health benefits, including unexpected denials and significant delays in processing benefit claims.
Cancelled / Insufficient TTOCs Reporting Tool (aka Failure to Fill)
Were you away for the day and not able to secure a TTOC to replace you? Were you re-deployed to another teaching position to cover
Early Career Teacher Pro-D Grant
The grant funds will be allocated to provide small grants to individual members or small groups of early career members within our local teacher union.
Dave Mackenzie
VTA Office
Billie Jo Beaudoin
VTA Office & Bearisto Elementary
2nd Vice President
Deb Vandesande
Pro-D Chair
Lavington Elementary School
New VTA Website Account Registration
If you’re new to the school district or you don’t have an account for the VTA Website. Please click the button below and fill out the form to have an account created.