We acknowledge that we live, learn, play and work within the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan People

BCTF Documents

Document Links:

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics states general rules for all members of the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) for maintaining high standards of professional service and conduct toward students, colleagues, and the professional union. Members are advised to contact local union officers or appropriate BCTF staff for advice on how to proceed with issues related to the BCTF Code of Ethics.  

SURT Training

The School Union Representative Training program is largely financed by a BCTF grant, which releases school union representatives for up to four days of intensive and practical training. The SURT program is intended to develop the school union representative’s hands-on, experiential knowledge, and understanding of Federation and local issues, and the skills needed to ensure local and Federation policies and procedures are actualized within schools and amongst the teachers who work there.


TeachBC is an online resource of teaching materials, lessons, and research relevant to the K-12 BC curriculum.  The website is public and open to everyone through the generosity of BC public school teachers. Teachers and organizations can share their teaching resources or educational research by registering and uploading their materials or providing links. Anyone can browse and download the resources for classroom or professional use. Browsing is easy. Users can search by subject, grade level, resource type, title, description, language, and more.

BCTF Members' Guide

The BCTF Members’ Guide is available for BCTF members in the MyBCTF Member Portal (member login required).