We acknowledge that we live, learn, play and work within the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan People

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Dr. Jody Carrington – Keynote Speaker for May 21, 2021 Conference STAYING CONNECTED

Dr. Jody Carrington is a renowned psychologist, sought after for her expertise, energy and approach to helping individuals, teams and organizations solve their most complex human-centred challenges. A bestselling author and revered speaker, Jody focuses much of her work around reconnection – the key to healthy relationships and productive teams.

Her approach is authentic, real and often hilarious. She speaks passionately about resilience, mental health, leadership, burnout, grief and trauma – and how reconnection is the answer to so many of the root problems we face. Her best-selling book Kids These Days was published in 2019 and has sold 150 000 copies worldwide. Her second book, Teachers These Days will be released in 2021. Jody’s message is as simple as it is complex: we are wired to do the hard things; but we are so much braver together.

The highlight of any agenda, energizing every audience she speaks to, she is a masterful communicator, helping audiences deeply understand their challenges and the opportunities to overcome them. Always wrapping the information in poignant stories, funny anecdotes and actionable takeaways, Jody will leave you inspired.

With a PhD in clinical psychology, work with major institutions and a thriving clinical practice, she brings a depth of experience and insight that is unmatched in the industry.

Jody lives in beautiful Olds, Alberta with her husband and three children (she had 3 kids in 2 years to test her own resilience) and leads the amazing team at Carrington & Company.

The Vernon Teachers Association and School District 22 invite you to 1
Dr. Jody Carrington - Keynote Speaker for May 21, 2021 Conference STAYING CONNECTED 2

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