We acknowledge that we live, learn, play and work within the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan People


Job Opportunity: VTA Mentorship Coordinator

VTA Philosophy of Mentorship:  

Mentorship is a reciprocal, relationship-based approach to collegial exploration of professional growth. It is based on peer collaboration, professional respect, and continuing growth.  Mentorship needs to be recognized, valued and resourced. The primary goal is to cultivate and expand professional practice, develop a community of support, and to set and support goals that are driven by the mentee. 

As you all know, Kathy Johnson has been the Mentorship Coordinator for this program for the last 2 years doing an excellent job. According to the VTA meetings and motions, the “contract” for the position ends June 30, 2022 and it has been decided by the Mentorship Working Group, Executive members and Staff Reps that we should post the position again for next year. The funding is enough for the program to last on its own (with approx. $20 000 added by the district) for another year, thus the one year in length. For future years, the School Board will have to look at its budget – other revenue will be needed to keep the program going as we know it.

Please circulate this to all VTA members. The deadline for application is Sunday, May 1 at noon.There will be a small committee made up of Executive Council members who will check references, conduct interviews and decide on the next coordinator by May 9, 2022. 

A detailed job description and more information on how to apply can be found here.

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