We acknowledge that we live, learn, play and work within the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan People


SD#22 Trustee Election All Candidates Forum

Vernon District Parents Advisory Council with Vernon Teachers’ Association and CUPE5523 are hosting an all candidates forum via zoom prior to the advance polls.  We have also provided each candidate who has confirmed attendance with a questionnaire to respond to by Sunday, May 16.  We will forward the responses to you for publication.

Date:  Tuesday, May 18 at 7:00-8:30pm 

The format for the forum will include 3 minutes each for introductions and 3 minutes each to answer a question posed by each of  DPAC, VTA, and CUPE5523.  Subsequent questions from the viewers with the same time limit of 3 minutes per answer.

The forum is intended for eligible voters in Vernon and Electoral Areas B and C and local media.  All participants and guests will be required to register in advance.

Register in advance for this meeting here.

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